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What is Genetic Lifehacks?

Genetic Lifehacks makes it easy to use your genetic raw data to find personalized health and wellness solutions.

  1. Learn how your genes influence your nutrition, longevity, and wellness.
  2. Every article shows your genotype report along with multiple research-backed solutions.
  3. Decide what will work best for you.

Ad-free, science-driven information, empowering you to make informed decisions. Use your genetic raw data from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and more.

Privacy is paramount. Your genetic data stays on your own computer, not transferred to or stored by Genetic Lifehacks. Member reports are generated in your browser.

What members are saying:

“Life Changing. Words can not express the gratitude and my mind is blown away at how many dots I was able to connect. The knowledge I have been gifted in learning is transformative and every human should be given a genetic test upon birth.”

~ Sarah J.

“Genetic Lifehacks provides relevant and actionnable information for both the layperson and practitioners. Debbie translates very complicated science into understandable concepts for all of us. I can’t recommend this service more highly.”

~ TJ H

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site! I show it to all of my medical providers. It’s awesome that it can combine your data from both 23&me and Ancestry DNA. It becomes a beautiful, well laid out, personal map of your own health.”

~ Theresa E.

Latest Articles and Genotype Reports:

Topic: Mitochondrial Health

More in Mitochondrial Health >>>

Topic: Hormones

  • HPA Axis Dysfunction: Understanding Cortisol and Genetic Interactions
    Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in times of stress, and it also plays many roles in your normal bodily functions. It is a multi-purpose hormone that needs to be in the right amount (not too high, not too low) and at the right time. Your genes play a big role in how likely you are to have problems with cortisol.
  • Thyroid Hormones: Genes, Hypothyroidism, and T4/T3 Conversion
    The thyroid is a master regulator controlling many of your body’s systems. It is integral for metabolism and body temperature. Learn more about specific thyroid-related variants and check your genetic raw data.
  • Estrogen: How It Is Made and How We Get Rid of It
    Estrogen – from how much is made to how it is broken down – is dependent on both genetics and lifestyle factors and affects both men and women. This article explains how estrogen is made, how it is eliminated from the body, which genes are involved, and how this influences the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and fibroids.

More in Hormones >>>

Topic: Supplements & Genes

More in Supplement Research >>>

Topic: Nutrigenomics – Vitamins and Diet

More in Vitamins and Foods >>>

Topic: Disease Prevention

More in Disease Prevention >>>

Topic: Inflammation / Immune Response

More in Inflammation and Immune >>>

Topic: Mood and Brain

  • OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Genes
    Genetic variants play a role in susceptibility to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Understanding your genes may help you understand OCD better and help you to target the right treatment.
  • HPA Axis Dysfunction: Understanding Cortisol and Genetic Interactions
    Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in times of stress, and it also plays many roles in your normal bodily functions. It is a multi-purpose hormone that needs to be in the right amount (not too high, not too low) and at the right time. Your genes play a big role in how likely you are to have problems with cortisol.
  • ADHD: Causes, Neurochemistry, and How to Check Your Genetic Raw Data
    Discover the complex interplay of genetics and environment in ADHD susceptibility. Learn how circadian rhythm and neurotransmitter genes contribute to the disorder, and how toxicant exposure may increase risk.

More in Mood and Brain >>>

Topic: Detoxification & Medications

More in Detoxification >>>

Topic: Heart Health

More in Heart Health >>>

Topic: Autoimmune Diseases

More in Autoimmune >>>

Topic: Methylation Cycle Genes

More in Methylation Cycle >>>

Topic: Longevity / Healthspan

More in Longevity / Healthspan >>>

Topic: Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

More in Sleep & Circadian Rhythm >>>

Explore by Symptoms, Supplements, Diet, or Pathway:



Akkermansia muciniphila alpha-ketogluterate alpha-lipoic acid andrographis apigenin ashwagandha astaxanthin astragalus bacopa berberine biotin calcium calcium d-glucurate carnitine cat's claw CBD cinnamon copper CoQ10 cordyceps creatine curcumin d-mannose dihydromyricetin EGCG fisetin fish oil frankincense ginkgo biloba ginseng glycine glycyrrhizin hesperidin inositol iodine l-arginine l-theanine lion's mane lithium orotate lutein luteolin magnesium manganese melatonin methylene blue methylfolate NAC naringenin nattokinase niacin nicotinamide riboside nigella sativa NMN noopept PEA peppermint probiotics quercetin reishi resveratrol rhodiola riboflavin rosemary rosmarinic acid rutin selenium St. Johns wort sulforaphane taurine thiamine TUDCA vitamin A vitamin B12 vitamin B6 vitamin C vitamin D vitamin E vitamin K zinc

Pathways & Processes

Diseases, Conditions

Lifestyle & Diet

Genes, Proteins




Topic: Metabolic Health

More in Metabolic Health >>>

Topic: Traits
  • Dyslexia: Genes + Early Life Stressors
    While dyslexia is known to run in families, the role of genetics in dyslexia is still being determined. Here is a quick look at some of the genes involved in dyslexia, affecting around 10% of the population.
  • Mosquito Bite Genes: Are you a mosquito magnet?
    Do you feel like you are a magnet for mosquitoes? Genetic variants do play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes.
  • Will you go bald? Genetics and hair loss
    What causes male pattern baldness? A combination of genetics, nutrition, and environmental toxins come together to form the risk factors for baldness. But genetics really seems to rule the roost here.

More in Traits >>>

Topic: Pregnancy / Infertility

More in Fertility >>>

My Story…

Hi! I’m Debbie Moon. Welcome to Genetic Lifehacks.

When I first had my genetic data sequenced, I was both amazed at the research available in academic journals and frustrated by the difficult language and disconnected topics.

Genetic Lifehacks began as a way to share what I was learning about genetics with my family and friends.

My goal has always been to freely share information so that everyone can benefit.

As the website grew in popularity, I decided that I needed to know more… both more about genetics and more about how the pieces of the biological systems fit together. Since my undergraduate degree was in engineering, I went back to school and received my Master’s degree in Biological Sciences from Clemson University in 2019.

Now a full-time endeavor, Genetic Lifehacks has reached over 2.5 million readers, equipping people to use their genetic data to optimize their health. 

Debbie Moon, Founder of Genetic Lifehacks