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Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint Protocol with Genetic Links

Bryan Johnson, a 46-year-old tech entrepreneur, is spending a lot of money on reversing aging. And… it seems to be working pretty well for him as far as his health tests show.

He has posted his diet and supplement plans, called the Blueprint Protocol, on his website – I’ll let you read more about him there.

Bryan has a fitness routine, diet plan, sleep schedule, and supplements that he takes every day. You can check out his regular diet which is high in vegetables, berries, lentils, and olive oil. He includes a breakdown of nutrients and calories.

I wanted to dig into his supplement routine –for myself, of course, and for all of my Genetic Lifehacks readers.  I was immediately struck by the number of supplements on his list that I have written about (and take personally).

Note that I’m not weighing in here on whether his overall anti-aging strategy is good – or even the right thing to do… I’ll let you decide for yourself.

Keep in mind that I’m not a doctor. This article is just my personal thoughts on the Blueprint Protocol and how genetic variants might affect an individual’s need and response to the supplement.

Here’s what Bryan’s doing for his supplement routine:

Upon waking w/Dinner at 11 am Before bed
Acarbose 200 mg (Rx) Acarbose 200 mg (Rx) Melatonin 300 mcg
Ashwagandha 600 mg BroccoMax 17.5mg Other
Astaxanthin 12 mg Ca-AKG 1 G Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 30 mL daily
B Complex .50 pill Mon & Thus (1/2 pill, twice a wk) Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg (contains caffeine) Pea Protein, 29 grams daily
BroccoMax 17.5mg E 67 mg Dark Chocolate, 15 grams
C 500mg EPA 500 mg Rapamycin 13 mg, bi-weekly (Rx)
Ca-AKG 1 gram Garlic 2.4 g equivalent HGH .6 mg, 5x wk (discontinued 5/31 after 100 days due to side effects)
Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic) 17α-E2, 8 mg wk transdermal
CoQ10 100 mg Ginger Root 2.2 g Testosterone 4 mg patch 1x weekly
D-3 2,000 IU Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1,500 mg NDGA 50 mg 1x daily
DHEA 25 mg Hyaluronic Acid 300 mg B12 methylcobalamin 1x/wk
E 67 mg L-Lysine 1g Aspirin 81 mg 3x wk
EPA 500mg L-Tyrosine 500 mg 112 mcg Levothyroxine, 60 mg Armour Thyroid (diagnosed with hypothyroidism at age 21)
Fisetin 200 mg Metformin ER 500 mg (Rx)
Garlic 2.4 g equivalent N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg
Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic) NR 375 mg OR NMN 500 mg, (6x wk)
Genistein 125 mg Taurine 1 g
Ginger Root 2.2 g Turmeric 1 g
Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1500 mg Viviscal (men) (women) 1 pill
Iodine as potassium iodide 125 mcg
K2-MK4, 5 mg
K1, 1.5 mg
K2 MK-7  600 mcg
Lithium 1 mcg
Lycopene 10 mg
Lysine 1 g
Metformin ER 1,500 mg (Rx)
Nicotinamide Riboside 375 mg (6 x wk)
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg
Proferrin 10 mg
Spermidine 10 mg
Turmeric 1 g
Taurine 2 g
Viviscal (male) (female) 1 pill
Zeaxanthin (20 mg Lutein, 4 mg Zeaxanthin) 3x/wk
Zinc 15 mg


The non-OTC medications that Bryan is taking include thyroid medication (for hypothyroidism), metformin, acarbose, and rapamycin.

What hit me immediately was that he isn’t taking huge doses of vitamins. For example, he is taking half a pill of a B-complex twice a week. Combined with what he is getting from his diet, I would assume that he is getting plenty — without going overboard and promoting cancer.

Blueprint Protocol with Genetic Context Added:

I’m going to explore how Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint Protocol aligns with articles on Genetic Lifehacks or with research on the topic.

Before adding any supplements, please check with your doctor if you are taking any medications, have any medical problems, or need medical advice.

Of course, be sure to consider your own diet and nutrient intake before supplementing. is a free web application that shows you a breakdown of vitamins and minerals when you enter what you eat for the day.

Supplement My Thoughts … Genetic Lifehacks Articles
Acarbose 200 mg (Rx) Acarbose is used to lower blood sugar and it also is being used for longevity research. It is a prescription medication in the US.
An alternative natural option for blood glucose levels is berberine.
Diabetes Genetic Risk Report

Blood glucose levels: how your genes impact blood sugar regulation

Guide to Berberine: Research, Benefits, Absorption, and Genetics

Ashwagandha 600 mg While best known for helping with anxiety and stress, many studies show that ashwagandha increases testosterone in men who are working out. Ashwagandha: Researched backed benefits and side effects
Astaxanthin 12 mg Astaxanthin is a carotenoid found in shrimp, salmon, lobster, and algae. Skin Aging: Using genomics to solve wrinkles and age spots
B Complex .50 pill Mon & Thus (1/2 pill, twice a wk) A low dose of B vitamins fills in any dietary gaps. Some people may need more B12 with aging (older people absorb less B12) or on a vegetarian diet.
The Blueprint diet plan contains lots of natural folate. So for someone not doing the diet part, they may want to check MTHFR and consider their folate consumption.
Be sure to check your COMT variants before supplementing with higher doses of methyl donor supplements.
MTHFR: What is it? How to check your data

B12: How do your genes influence your vitamin B12 levels?

Vitamin B6: Genetics, absorption, and deficiency

COMT and Supplement interactions

BroccoMax 17.5mg Broccomax includes a lot of sulforaphane, which is great for upregulating the Nrf2 pathway, which is important for combating toxins in the environment. For men with the GSTM1 null variant, sulforaphane can be important for preventing prostate cancer. Nrf2 pathway: increasing your body’s ability to get rid of toxins

Phthalates: Genes, Detoxification, and Diet

Prostate Problems: Genetic reasons and research on solutions

Sulforaphane: research studies and genetic connections

C 500mg Vitamin C is an antioxidant and water-soluble vitamin. If you aren’t getting enough in your diet, you may want to consider a low dose supplement. Vitamin C: Nutrigenomics, transport, and genetic deficiency
Ca-AKG 1 gram Alpha keto-glutarate has some interesting studies on it for longevity. This one may be more beneficial for older individuals.
Cocoa Flavanols 500 mg The polyphenols in cocoa may have benefits for heart health.
Note that some people with nickel allergies react to cocoa.
Nickel Allergy: Genetics, causes, natural solutions
CoQ10 100 mg CoQ10 has lots of solid research on supplementing with it for mitochondrial function, heart health, and brain health. For anyone on a statin, the statin partially blocks the pathway for CoQ10 synthesis. CoQ10 Deficiency and Mitochondrial Energy

Statins and Brain Fog: What is the link?

D-3 2,000 IU Vitamin D is easy to test to see if you need to supplement. People’s needs vary based on sun exposure and genetics. Vitamin D Genes
DHEA 25 mg DHEA levels are about 60%  heritable. Some people are likely to benefit more than others from supplementing (age, lifestyle, genes), and there can be drawbacks to going overboard with DHEA. DHEA and Weight
E 67 mg Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant. Genetics plays a big role in whether it is likely to be beneficial – or possibly detrimental. Vitamin E: Genetics and Inflammation 
EPA 500mg EPA and DHA are essential for the resolution of inflammation, which is an active process that utilizes lipid mediators derived from EPA/DHA. Read the article on specialized pro-resolving mediators. If you don’t get enough fish or seafood in your diet, consider whether a high-quality EPA or DHA supplement may be helpful. Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators: The active process of resolving inflammation
Fisetin 200 mg Fisetin is an antioxidant and senolytic. Senolytics can help to clear out senescent cells, which can increase in aging and cause chronic elevations in inflammatory cytokines. Fisetin: Antioxidant and Senolytic
Garlic 2.4 g equivalent, Garlic 1.2 g (kyolic) I tend to get a lot of garlic through cooking with it, but there are good studies on garlic for heart health.
Genistein 125 mg  Genistein is an isoflavone found in soy beans. It has studies on it that show that it reduces the risk of certain cancers. However, it also may be estrogenic.
Studies on people with high PAI-1 levels (at higher risk of blood clots) show that genistein decreases PAI-1. This is one supplement that may be beneficial in specific cases.
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1): Regulator of clotting

Prostate Problems: Genetic reasons and research on solutions

Ginger Root 2.2 g Ginger is something that I like to get in my diet (because I like ginger…). Studies show that it can inhibit Porphyromonas gingivalis, as well as having antioxidant properties. Advanced glycation end products
Glucosamine Sulphate 2KCL 1500 mg Glucosamine is used (usually with chondroitin) for relieving stiffness and joint pain. Osteoarthritis: The Role of Genetics and Natural Solutions
Iodine as potassium iodide 125 mcg Keep in mind that this protocol is being used by an individual with hypothyroidism. It may be that not everyone needs more iodine than what they get in their diet. (Check your diet, consider whether you’re using iodized salt.) Thyroid Hormone Levels and Your Genes
K2-MK4, 5 mg

K1, 1.5 mg

K2 MK-7  600 mcg

Bone health is essential, and so is keeping calcium from being deposited into the heart or soft tissue. The three forms of vitamin K cover all the bases here. Vitamin K Genes

Genetic influences on osteoporosis and bone health

Lithium 1 mcg 1 mcg of lithium is a very low dose.
Most people get 1 to 3 mg per day of lithium from their diet.
Lithium at low levels (5mg supplements) helps with mood — for some people.
Low doses of lithium (e.g. 0.5mg – 5 mg) are also being studied with the potential for Alzheimer’s prevention.
 Lithium and B12: Genetics and mood

Low-dose lithium and Alzheimer’s

Lycopene 10 mg Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes (and other vegetables) their red color.  The BCO1 gene encodes the enzyme that converts lycopene, and many people have variants that decrease BCO1. This is something to consider — especially if supplementing with larger doses of lycopene at the same time as consuming beta carotene. BCO1 Gene: Converting Beta-Carotene to Vitamin A
Lysine 1 g Lysine is an amino acid found abundantly in meat. For a vegetarian diet, track to see if you need more lysine. Cold Sores: Who gets them and why
Melatonin (nighttime only) Melatonin is way more than a ‘sleep hormone’. It is a strong antioxidant that is needed overnight for restoring cellular health. It also is protective against infections and cancer. Your levels of melatonin production decrease with age. Exposure to light at night significantly decreases melatonin production. Melatonin: Key to health and longevity

Melatonin: Immune health

Tryptophan: Kynurenine, Serotonin, and Melatonin

Metformin ER 1,500 mg (Rx) This is a prescription medication in the US for diabetes, but there are some studies on it for longevity. Metformin: Longevity research and genetics
Nicotinamide Riboside 375 mg (6 x wk) taken morning and night. This is another supplement that will give more bang for the buck for someone middle-aged or older. Younger individuals still likely produce plenty of NAD+ NAD+ Reversing aging with NMN or NR
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 1,800 mg N-acetylcysteine supplements can help to increase glutathione, which is an antioxidant that your cells produce to combat oxidative stress. Homocysteine
Proferrin 10 mg Proferrin is an iron supplement, which could be helpful to anyone who is low in iron. Test first to make sure you need iron. Too much iron is definitely detrimental. Building Up Iron: Hemochromatosis mutations
Spermidine 10 mg Spermidine is a biogenic amine that has studies on it for promoting longevity and healthspan. Longevity Lifehacks article: Spermidine and Healthspan
Turmeric 1 g Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an antioxidant flavonoid with a lot of good studies on it. Curcumin: Decreasing inflammation
Taurine 2 g Taurine promotes bile acids, improves heart health, and acts as an antioxidant. Taurine: Research on healthspan and supplements
Viviscal (male) (female) 1 pill Viviscal is a hair growth supplement with collagen, seaweed, and biotin. Biotin Deficiency: Check your Genes

Will you go bald? Genetics and hair loss

Zeaxanthin (20 mg Lutein, 4 mg Zeaxanthin) 3x/wk Zeaxanthin and lutein are flavonoids used for eye health. Be sure to check for the ARMS2 variant, which is linked to supplements being detrimental instead of helpful, before supplementing with these. Age-Related Macular Degeneration Genes
Zinc 15 mg Zinc is essential for so many things. Read the article. 15mg is a standard dose and likely fills in any dietary gaps, especially if you aren’t eating a lot of zinc-rich foods. Zinc genes: The healing power of zinc
Rapamycin (Rx) Rapamycin is a mTor inhibitor that is being investigated for longevity. It is currently prescription-only in the US. Rapamycin, mTOR, and Your Genes


Final thoughts:

We don’t have to just accept that “getting old isn’t for wimps”.

Aches and pains can be relieved, many chronic diseases can be prevented, and simply popping a prescription drug for a symptom often doesn’t get you anywhere.

While the articles about Bryan Johnson paint a picture of someone spending tons of money to look younger, I was surprised by the relative affordability of his supplement and diet routine.

I was also pleased to see that his protocol was relatively moderate in dosage. It’s easy to think that a vitamin or natural flavonoid will only be beneficial (and more is better), but that’s not always the case. So many things are a balance between keeping cells alive and not promoting cancer growth.

Personally, my supplement “protocol” has changed quite a bit over time.  I’ll tackle one aspect of health for a while, and then find that I no longer need to focus on it.

Everyone is unique in their needs, and I hope you consider your diet, age, lifestyle, sleep, and genetics when thinking about optimizing your health.

About the Author:
Debbie Moon is the founder of Genetic Lifehacks. Fascinated by the connections between genes, diet, and health, her goal is to help you understand how to apply genetics to your diet and lifestyle decisions. Debbie has a BS in engineering from Colorado School of Mines and an MSc in biological sciences from Clemson University. Debbie combines an engineering mindset with a biological systems approach to help you understand how genetic differences impact your optimal health.