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Opioid Receptor Genetic Variants and Addiction

Opioid Receptors Genetic Variants and Addiction

Genetic variants in the ORPM1 gene impact both the amount of pain someone experiences and their response to opioid drugs. These variants are also important in susceptibility to opiate addiction. (Member’s article)

Micro Plastics Research Roundup, microplastics and lupus, microplastics and testosterone, microplastics and Osteoporosis, microplastics and inflammation

Microplastics Research Roundup

Microplastics research shows that these microscopic bits of plastics are a real problem for health and wellness.

Glyphosate exposure effects, gut microbiome, glyphosate genetics

Glyphosate Exposure: Genetics and the Impact on Our Health

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-Up. A recent study showed that people with CYP1A1 genetic variants are more likely to have problems with acetylcholinesterase inhibition from glyphosate.

Phthalate detoxification pathway, phthalate genetic interaction, phthalate overview

Phthalates: Genes, Detoxification, and Diet

Phthalates are a type of chemical used as plasticizers to make plastics more pliable. There has been a lot of research on the endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates. Your genetic variants may impact whether phthalates are a problem for you.

DPYD and fluorouracil

Check your raw data to see if you have DPYD mutations that affect the toxicity of 5-FU (fluorouracil) cancer drugs.

Naltrexone Uses, Low Dose Naltrexone, Genetic interactions with Naltrexone

Naltrexone: LDN & Genetics

The use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) can be an effective treatment for some autoimmune diseases, pain syndromes, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Learn how this opioid antagonist works on the immune system and how your genetics can play a part in its efficacy.

Health Effects of Fluoride and Genetics that affect fluoride detoxification

Fluoride: Understanding Its Effects on Health

Discover the pros and cons of fluoride for dental health and overall wellness, its sources, toxicity levels, and how genetics influence fluoride sensitivity.

Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

What are the physiological effects of mercury and how does the body eliminates it? Discover how genetic variants play a role in how quickly you excrete mercury.

Arsenic detoxification genes, ways to reduce arsenic exposure

Arsenic Detoxification and Your Genes

Arsenic exposure occurs via well water, in certain foods, and through breathing. This article covers the pathways the body uses to get rid of arsenic, and it includes information on genetic variants that may impair the detoxification of arsenic.

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Neonicotinoids

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Neonicotinoids

Is buying organic worth the extra cost? Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part One in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification. (Member’s article)

Allergy Medicine: Why Fexofenadine Works Better for Some People

Allergy Medicine: Why Fexofenadine Works Better for Some People

Ever wonder why a certain medication may work great for a friend and do nothing for you? One reason could be the genes involved in transporting the medication into and out of your cells. This article looks at the research studies on fexofenadine and the Multidrug Resistance Protein variants.

Genetics and Alcohol Metabolism

Alcohol Genes: Alcohol Metabolism Rate

Wondering why you don’t react the same way to alcohol as your friends do? Some people metabolize alcohol faster leaving a build-up of acetaldehyde. Learn more about why this can be a health problem for some.

Statins and Muscle Pain

Will statins give you muscle pain?

Statins are one of the most prescribed medications in the world. One side effect of statins is myopathy, or muscle pain and weakness. Your genetic variants are significant in whether you are likely to have side effects from statins.

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Organophosphates

Is buying organic worth the extra cost? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part Two in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification. 

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Modafinil is being used as a nootropic drug that increases alertness and gives a sense of well-being — to some users. Like most drugs, individual results seem to vary. One reason for the variation is a common genetic variation in the COMT gene. What is Modafinil? Modafinil is a prescription … Read more