BPIFB4 Gene: Linked to Longevity and Heart Health
Discover the impact of the BPIFB4 gene on longevity and immunity, and find out if you have the longevity variant in your genotype report.
Discover the impact of the BPIFB4 gene on longevity and immunity, and find out if you have the longevity variant in your genotype report.
Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat in the atrium. Genetic variants combine with inflammation and environmental triggers in causing A-fib.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is heritable. Understanding your genes and a ‘heart healthy’ lifestyle can prevent heart attacks and death.
Higher intake of niacin, along with certain genetic variants, has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. Check your SNPs here.
Genetic mutations that cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can increase the risk of sudden cardiac death.
We have many systems in place to control blood pressure and heart rate. The ADRA1A receptors are part of this system. Discover how variants can influence blood vessel stress response and how others are connected to cognitive changes.
New research shows that hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR) may be more common, especially in people of African ancestry. Understand your genetic risk before irreversible damage.
Do you know of someone with unexplained heart palpitations, spiking blood pressure, dizziness, and tinnitus? Discover how research is linking these symptoms to histamine, mast cells, and the spike protein.
One cause of many of the diseases of aging is the buildup of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your genes interact with your diet – and cooking methods – in the build-up of AGEs. Learn whether this is something that is important for you to focus on. (Member’s article)
A core circadian rhythm gene, BMAL1, influences heart disease risk, diabetes, and cancer. Check your genes and learn how to mitigate the risk.