9 Genes that Impact the Response to Vaccines
Genetics plays a huge role in how an individual responds to a vaccine. Learn more about vaccines, immunity, and genetic variants that affect the response.
Genetic variants influence our immune response, affecting both our ability to combat pathogens and our susceptibility to chronic inflammation. For example, we are all unique in our response to different pathogens. Certain variants in inflammatory cytokine genes, such as TNF-alpha, may increase susceptibility to chronic inflammatory conditions while at the same time increasing your ability to fight off specific viruses or bacteria.
You can use your genetic data to understand which pathways are likely involved for you, and then use the lifehacks sections to discover the right solution for your genes.
Where to start?
Summary Reports for Members:
Inflammation Summary | Immune System Summary Report |
Genetics plays a huge role in how an individual responds to a vaccine. Learn more about vaccines, immunity, and genetic variants that affect the response.
Kawasaki disease is an excessive inflammatory response that some children have due to viral or bacterial illnesses. Several genetic variants are tied to an increased susceptibility to Kawasaki disease.
Genetics plays a role in the likelihood of having chronic sinus problems. This article looks at the genetic reasons driving some people to have chronic sinus infections.
ARDS is caused by an overwhelming immune response to a virus, bacteria, or lung injury. Learn more about which of your immune system genes are involved in ARDS.
Your circadian rhythm influences your immune response. Learn how this rhythm controls white blood cell production and why melatonin protects against viral and bacterial infections.
Viral immunity-your genes protect you. Your genetic variants shape your immune system and give you superpowers against some pathogens, perhaps more susceptible to others.
You brush, you floss, and your gums still bleed… perhaps you carry some of the genetic variants associated with gingivitis? Check your genetic data to see. (Member’s article)
Acne is thought to be 80% heritable. Learn how your genetic variants increase your risk of acne and find specific solutions that work for those genetic pathways.
Chronic inflammation is the driver of many common diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune diseases. C-Reactive Protein is a marker of inflammation. Genetic variants can increase or decrease CRP levels.
Learn how your gut microbiome influences the expression of your core circadian rhythm genes.
Lyme disease recovery can vary. Whether you recover quickly or have chronic symptoms that include joint pain or arthritis, it may be due to the genetic variants that you carry.
Allergies are usually due to a mix of genetic susceptibility and being exposed to certain triggering molecules. Several different gene variants have ties to an increased risk of grass pollen allergies.
Some people have a more sensitive immune system and are more prone to inflammatory reactions. We need a balance in the body between fighting off pathogens and not having too much of an inflammatory response. Learn more about what triggers inflammation and how your genes play a part.
Histamine plays several important roles in the body. Learn more about the newest research into histamine intolerance and mast cells.