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Increased Inflammation and IL-17A Genetic Variants

Articles about ‘inflammation’ seem to be everywhere these days, and inflammation seems to be blamed for everything from heart disease to mood disorders to obesity. But how does this somewhat nebulous idea of too much inflammation tie into our genes?  It seems that some people have a more sensitive immune system and are more prone to inflammatory reactions.

IL17A and Inflammation

Interleukin-17 (IL-17A gene) is a pro-inflammatory part of our immune system that, while necessary in times of injury or pathogenic infection, can cause problems if it is overactive.[ref] We need a balance in the body between fighting off pathogens and not having too much of an inflammatory response.

IL-17 is implicated in increasing the risk for several autoimmune diseases including psoriasis and asthma. Genetic variants that increase the body’s production of IL-17A have been shown to be a risk factor for:

  • IBD
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • bronchitis severity
  • gastric cancer
  • celiac
  • COPD
  • and more.

IL-17A is also implicated in celiac disease, with increased expression of IL-17A found in the intestinal mucosa of Celiac patients.  Gluten sensitivity, though, was not found to increase IL-17A.[ref] [ref]

IL-17A Genetic Variants:

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Healthy gut: The gut microbiome is important in balancing out your immune response, and IL17 plays a role here. If you have IL-17A variants and are dealing with autoimmune disease, focusing on a healthy gut microbiome may help. This may mean adding in more fibrous vegetables or legumes to your diet, or perhaps finding the right probiotic.  [ref]

Exercise: In a study on high blood pressure, exercise immediately decreased Th17 lymphocytes. [ref]

Talk with your doctor: There are several monoclonal antibodies that target IL-17 developed as therapies for psoriasis. [ref]

DHA and EPA: Increasing DHA and EPA (through fish oil supplements) has been shown to decrease IL-17 levels in patients with periodontitis. [ref]

Related article: specialized pro-resolving mediators from DHA/EPA and the resolution of inflammation

Sprinkle on the spices: Ursolic acid, which is a natural carboxylic acid found in rosemary and thyme, is a strong inhibitor of IL-17. [ref] It is also a component of rosemary extract, which was traditionally used for treating rashes, wounds, dyspepsia, etc.[ref]

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Originally published 1/16/17, updated 1/2022


About the Author:
Debbie Moon is the founder of Genetic Lifehacks. Fascinated by the connections between genes, diet, and health, her goal is to help you understand how to apply genetics to your diet and lifestyle decisions. Debbie has a BS in engineering from Colorado School of Mines and an MSc in biological sciences from Clemson University. Debbie combines an engineering mindset with a biological systems approach to help you understand how genetic differences impact your optimal health.