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Glucose Response: Caffeine + Sugar + Genes

Glucose Response: Caffeine + Sugar + Genes

Consuming caffeine along with carbohydrates changes glucose response for people with certain genetic variants and yet it doesn’t change blood glucose levels for those without the variants. Find out more about your response. (Member’s article)

Saturated Fats, ACE Gene, APOE gene and saturated fats

Saturated Fat and Your Genes (ACE gene)

There has been a decades-long debate about which type of fat is best: saturated fat vs polyunsaturated fat. It may depend on your genes as to which answer is right for you. Learn more about this debate and find out how your genes play a part.


Type II Diabetes – Genetic Connections

The genes involved in increasing risk for type-2 diabetes indicate some of the variations in causes: insulin release, metabolic syndrome, response to sugar, and zinc deficiency. Knowing how you are genetically susceptible to diabetes may help you to modify your diet appropriately.