News and Research: Order in which you eat protein, fat, and carbs
A review article covering research on reducing post-prandial glucose spikes and troughs by simply changing the order in which you eat.
It can be hard to stay up to date on the interesting new research that comes out. Below you will find quick overviews of new studies that may have a high impact on your health or for your client’s health.
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A review article covering research on reducing post-prandial glucose spikes and troughs by simply changing the order in which you eat.
Researchers tackled the question of whether the time of day matters in time-restricted eating — in humans.
This new genetics study estimated the effects of genetic variants on DALYs (disability-adjusted life years).
Study: Supplementation Impacts the Gut Microbiota of Patients With Clostridioides Difficile Infection Overview: Recent studies indicate that Clostridioides difficile infections are more likely in people with low vitamin D levels. Current options for C. difficile include oral vancomycin, metronidazole, and fecal microbial transplantation. But these treatments don’t work for everyone. … Read more
Study: Gut microbiome pattern reflects healthy ageing and predicts survival in humans Nature Metabolism, Feb 2021 Overview: This large study investigated the changes in the gut microbiome of over 9,000 individuals aged 18-87. Change in the gut microbiome is one aspect of aging that adds to chronic disease and frailty. … Read more
Study: MOTS-c is an exercise-induced mitochondrial-encoded regulator of age-dependent physical decline and muscle homeostasis Nature communications, January 2021 Overview: A recent study in the journal Nature communications explains the latest research on a fascinating peptide known as MOTS-c. Peptides are small molecules made up of 2-50 amino acids. Proteins are … Read more
Title: Microdose lithium reduces cellular senescence in human astrocytes – a potential pharmacotherapy for COVID-19? Journal on Aging, June 2020 Overview: This research paper covers the recent research on low doses of lithium in Alzheimer’s patients. The paper delves into the groups research on how lithium may reduce some of … Read more
Study: Restoring metabolism of myeloid cells reverses cognitive decline in ageing (Nature, January 2021) Overview: This fascinating animal study investigates the changes in metabolism in brain cells linked to Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline in aging. Alzheimer’s has been dubbed as “type 3 diabetes” by some researchers due to the changes … Read more
Study title: Genome-Wide Association Study of Suicide Death and Polygenic Prediction of Clinical Antecedents The American Journal of Psychiatry, Nov. 2020 Press release from the University of Utah on the study: Every 11 minutes, an American dies by suicide. That’s 132 people a day or more than 48,000 annually. For … Read more
Title: Long-term dietary intervention reveals resilience of the gut microbiota despite changes in diet and weight American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2020 Overview: This was a clinical trial that tracked the gut microbiota over a 12-month period to see how it changed due to dietary changes. Participants (n=49) in … Read more
Research from Tel Aviv University shows that hyperbaric oxygen (high-pressure oxygen exposure in a pressurized chamber) increases telomere length in T-cells, which is a sign of decreasing aging.
Canadian researchers have discovered that a rare genetic variant in the PCSK9 gene increases longevity through decrease heart disease and liver injury.
Study Title: A network medicine approach to investigation and population-based validation of disease manifestations and drug repurposing for COVID-19 PLOS Biology Nov. 2020 Overview: This study looked at a number of different genes, interactions, medications, and comorbidities as related to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. It was a good sized study, … Read more
A look into the question of why women are at a much higher risk than men for Alzheimer’s.
Study title: The core clock transcription factor BMAL1 drives circadian β-cell proliferation during compensatory regeneration of the endocrine pancreas Journal Genes & Development, Nov. 2020 Press Release from the University of Geneva on this study: Some parts of our body, such as the skin or the liver, can regenerate after … Read more
Study title: Evening home lighting adversely impacts the circadian system and sleep Nature, Nov 2020 Overview of the study: Quick background: Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces at night, and it is an integral part of our circadian rhythm. Levels rise at night when it is dark, and … Read more
Study Title: NP03, a Microdose Lithium Formulation, Blunts Early Amyloid Post-Plaque Neuropathology in McGill-R-Thy1-APP Alzheimer-Like Transgenic Rats Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Oct. 2020 Overview: A new animal study looks at the effects of a “novel microdose lithium formulation” called NP03. The study used transgenic rats that were developed to have … Read more
Title: Aspirin Use is Associated with Decreased Mechanical Ventilation, ICU Admission, and In-Hospital Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Journal of Anesthesia & Analgesia, Oct 21, 2020 Overview: Researchers did a retrospective study, looking at the data of COVID-19 patients in US hospitals between March and July 2020. Patients were … Read more
Title: Structural and metabolic brain abnormalities in COVID-19 patients with sudden loss of smell PREPRINT Oct. 18, 2020 Overview of the study: Researchers from Belgium did MRIs and PET scans on the brains of 12 COVID-19patients with a sudden loss of smell. Here is what they found: Six (50%) of … Read more
Study: Efficacy of melatonin for sleep disturbance in middle-aged primary insomnia: A double-blind, randomised clinical trial Journal of Sleep Medicine, Oct 17, 2020 Overview of the study: This new clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of a 3 mg fast-release melatonin supplement in middle-aged people with insomnia. The results showed that … Read more
Quick roundup of studies on antibody production for SARS-CoV-2. Preprint Study: Antibody reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 in adults from the Vancouver metropolitan area, Canada Oct 2020 This preprint study looked at 276 people in the Vancuver area of British Columbia. The majority of the study participants were health care workers. … Read more
This new study shows that people who carry the MTHFR 677 A/A genotype are at a 42% increased relative risk of high blood pressure throughout adulthood.
Discussion of a published study that looked at over a thousand different Bifidobacteria strains, investigating how they interact with their host (e.g., you and I).
Research Roundup on Transdermal Absorption of Sunscreen Ingredients Traditional sunscreen research: JAMA: Effect of Sunscreen Application Under Maximal Use Conditions on Plasma Concentration of Sunscreen Active Ingredients A study of 24 people who used four different sunscreens – 2 sprays, a lotion, and a cream – applied to 75% … Read more
Two good studies on vitamin D levels and SARS-CoV-2 have been published recently in major journals. Both studies back up all the previous research on vitamin D and immune function. This isn’t really new news… Having adequate vitamin D levels is vital for good immune function – whether for COVID-19, … Read more