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Oxytocin Levels: Genetics of the Love Hormone

Key takeaways:
~ Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the brain and known for being the ‘love hormone’.
~ It is important in parent/child bonding and social involvement.
~ Genetic variants in the oxytocin receptor are linked to being more or less outgoing and social.

What is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus of the brain. It’s a chemical messenger that has a lot of different results — from letting down milk in lactation to social bonding to appetite control.

During childbirth, oxytocin production is high to allow the cervix to relax and cause contractions. Interestingly, it also crosses the placenta and acts on the neurotransmitters of the baby, preparing him or her for birth. After birth, its involvement includes breastfeeding and milk letting down.

Outside of the physiological roles in childbirth, oxytocin acts in the brain as a neuropeptide and influences social activity and group bonding.

Oxytocin is also important in the synaptic plasticity in the neurons of the brain. It makes it vital for memory and learning.[ref]

How is oxytocin made?

Oxytocin synthesis occurs in a series of steps, starting with the OXT gene, which creates the inactive precursor needed for the hormone. The final activation happens because of catalyzation by the PAM enzyme, which needs vitamin C as a co-factor.

In general, genetic variants that decrease oxytocin production have been shown in psychological studies to decrease a person’s social sensitivity and empathy. Before all of you with high oxytocin levels start thinking, “oh no, poor thing” (ha!), there are some positive outcomes from not being as emotional. Genetic variants linked to lower empathy and less social sensitivity were found to be more resilient in the face of childhood maltreatment.[ref][ref]

A mother’s oxytocin levels also play a role in a baby’s response to early life stress, both before and after the baby is born. Yes, you can blame your mom if your brain isn’t wired the same way as others.[ref]

Interestingly, culture seems to play a role in the interpretation of the oxytocin gene variants. For example, one study found that Caucasian Americans with a genetic variant were likely to seek out emotional support, but Koreans were not.[ref]

Oxytocin Genotype Report:

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Looking to change your oxytocin levels? Here are several ways that research shows to alter your levels.

Behavior lifehacks:

Puppy-dog eyes:
Petting a dog increases both human and dog oxytocin levels.[ref] Another study showed that a dog gazing at you could increase oxytocin levels.[ref]

Intentionally being creative has links to oxytocin levels. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that intranasal oxytocin “reduced analytical reasoning and increased holistic processing, divergent thinking, and creative performance.”

Listening to music may increase oxytocin levels.[ref]

Loving-kindness meditation may increase your oxytocin levels.[ref]

Supplements and medications that impact oxytocin:

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I’ll leave you with some cute puppies gazing at you…. awwww… More oxytocin.


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About the Author:
Debbie Moon is the founder of Genetic Lifehacks. Fascinated by the connections between genes, diet, and health, her goal is to help you understand how to apply genetics to your diet and lifestyle decisions. Debbie has a BS in engineering from Colorado School of Mines and an MSc in biological sciences from Clemson University. Debbie combines an engineering mindset with a biological systems approach to help you understand how genetic differences impact your optimal health.