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Fibroids: Genes, root causes, and solutions

Uterine fibroids are a problem for a lot of women, especially after age 30. Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the muscle cells of the uterus. This article will dig into the causes of fibroids, explain how your genetic variants can add to the susceptibility, and offer solutions that are backed by research. (Member’s article)


Type II Diabetes – Genetic Connections

The genes involved in increasing risk for type-2 diabetes indicate some of the variations in causes: insulin release, metabolic syndrome, response to sugar, and zinc deficiency. Knowing how you are genetically susceptible to diabetes may help you to modify your diet appropriately.

Genetics and Type 2 Diabetes

Not all type 2 diabetes risk is from what you eat… Genetics plays a big role in diabetes. Learn more about your genetic susceptibility.

Diabetes: Genetic Risk Factors

A printable guide for the genetic risk factors of diabetes. It includes specific genotypes that influence the risk of diabetes, along with possible lifestyle changes that can be implemented for better outcomes.

Importance of balancing folate, problems with too little folate, caution with too much folate, RDA for folate intake

Are You Getting Too Much Folate?

Folate is an essential vitamin with many benefits from getting an adequate amount. However, excess folate from high dose supplements may have potentially detrimental effects.

Red Hair and the MC1R Gene

To have red hair, you need to carry two variants in the MC1R gene. We all know our hair color, but it turns out that if you carry one MC1R genetic variant (and don’t have red hair) you are still at an increased risk for skin cancer.

Is intermittent fasting right for you?

Intermittent fasting and ketosis have a lot of benefits, but they may not be right for you. Your genes play a role in how you feel when fasting.

HMB for muscle growth, HMB for to prevent age related muscle loss, HMB caution with autoimmune diseases

HMB Supplement and Muscle Mass

HMB – hydroxymethylbutyrate – is a supplement that helps to prevent muscle loss in aging and may help with building muscle when working out.

Vitamin D, Genes, and Your Immune System

Vitamin D is more than just a ‘vitamin’. It is actually a hormone essential to many processes in your body – including your immune system. Learn how vitamin D helps the immune response to coronavirus, flu, and other respiratory viruses.

Health Effects of Fluoride and Genetics that affect fluoride detoxification

Fluoride: Understanding Its Effects on Health

Discover the pros and cons of fluoride for dental health and overall wellness, its sources, toxicity levels, and how genetics influence fluoride sensitivity.

HMGB1 gene: inflammatory response protein important in sepsis and COVID-19

The HMGB1 protein has a unique role in activating the inflammatory response pathways. Increased HMGB1 levels will call up the troops for a big response to an infection. Discover how genetic variants of this protein vary the risk of cancer, inflammation, and sepsis to name a few.

Is IBS genetic? Targeted solutions, based on your genes

There are multiple causes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and genetics can definitely play a role in IBS symptoms. Pinpointing your genetic cause may help you to figure out the right solution for you. (Member’s article)

Leptin Receptors: Genetics and Hunger

Do you wonder why other people don’t seem to struggle with wanting to eat more? Ever wished your body could just naturally know that it has had enough food and turn off the desire to eat? You might carry a genetic variant in the leptin receptor gene which is linked to not feeling as full or satisfied by your meal. (Member’s article)

Vitamin K Genes: Bone strength, blood clots

Genetic variations cause people to have higher or lower levels of vitamin K, which can affect blood clotting. Learn more about the genes that affect vitamin K and how it relates to your genetic raw data.