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HIF-1a: Hypoxia, Cancer, and Athletic Superpowers

The hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF1A) gene codes for a transcription factor, that responds to the amount of oxygen available to the cell. This is important in cancer prevention, and several HIF1A genetic variants alter the susceptibility to several types of cancer.

Sjogren’s Syndrome: Causes, Genes, Solutions

Are you dealing with dry eyes and dry mouth? Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects moisture-producing glands. Discover the underlying causes of Sjögren’s syndrome and the genetic variants that increase susceptibility.

CTLA4 Gene: Autoimmune Risk Factor

The CTLA4 gene codes for a protein that is important in the immune system. It acts as a checkpoint that can downregulate your immune system response. Genetic variants in the CTLA4 gene can increase your risk for several different autoimmune diseases. (Member’s article)

SIRT3, Aging, and Mitochondrial Function

How we age is just as important as how long we live. Examine how sirtuins play a part in the aging process by how they regulate our cellular health.

ADRA1A Receptors: Blood vessel reactions under stress

We have many systems in place to control blood pressure and heart rate. The ADRA1A receptors are part of this system. Discover how variants can influence blood vessel stress response and how others are connected to cognitive changes.

Zinc genes: The healing power of zinc

Learn why zinc is important for your immune system and so much more. Find out how your genes impact your need for zinc and discover ways of boosting your zinc status. 

HIV mutation

Mutation that blocks you from getting AIDS or HIV

The CCR5 gene is an important player in the immune response. A mutation in the CCR5 gene, called the Delta32 mutation, significantly reduces the chance of an HIV infection.

Lymphedema: Causes and Genetic Pathways

Lymphedema can be caused by various factors such as a traumatic injury, genetics, or even cancer. Discover how your genetics influence the risk of developing the condition.

Genetics of Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency

Mannose-binding lectin, also known as mannose-binding protein, is involved in the body’s innate defense against infections. Find out how genetic variants in this system increase your susceptibility to specific pathogens.

Why light at night increases cancer risk

The World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes light at night as a probable carcinogen. Learn why dim light at night increases your risk of breast cancer — and what you can do to easily reduce this risk. (Member’s article)

Leaky Gut Genes: Emulsifiers in Processed Foods

Emulsifiers, found in many processed and packaged foods, can trigger an inflammatory response in the intestines based on whether you carry specific genetic variants.

Genes related to salt sensitive high blood pressure (23andMe, AncestryDNA, etc)

Salt Sensitivity and High Blood Pressure

Genetic variants significantly influence individual salt sensitivity, with certain genotypes making people more prone to high blood pressure in response to high salt intake

Blue light blocking glasses

Blue-blocking Glasses: Why? Which ones?

An easy way to improve sleep and increase melatonin production at night is to wear blue light blocking glasses before bed. Explore the research on why this is so important, and learn about the different options available for blue-blocking glasses.


Tyramine Intolerance: Metabolism of tyramine

Tyramine intolerance happens when you can’t break it down. Too much tyramine can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Learn more and check your genetic raw data for results.

BDNF: cognition, stress resilience, introversion, and mood

Low levels of BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) are linked to introversion, stress resilience, cognition, and depression levels. Discover ways to increase your BDNF levels and mitigate the problems associated with the BDNF gene variants. (Member’s article)

Skin cancer genetics, MC1R, risk factors for skin cancer, skin cancer prevention

Skin Cancer: Genetics and Prevention

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and many forms are highly treatable if caught early. Learn more about the different types of skin cancer, your genetic risks, and lifestyle changes to help reduce risk.

Genes that Impact Ferritin Levels

Ferritin is the storage protein for iron in the body. Storing too little or too much iron can be an indicator of an underlying problem. Discover the genetic variants that impact ferritin and how to increase ferritin with supplements or foods.