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Circadian rhythm disruption as a root cause of depression

For some people, circadian disruption can be chronic – and at the heart of depression or mood disorders. Genetic variants play a role in this susceptibility. Fortunately, there are solutions that may help. ​

Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

What are the physiological effects of mercury and how does the body eliminates it? Discover how genetic variants play a role in how quickly you excrete mercury.

Diabetes: Genetic Risk Report

We often talk about diabetes as though it is one disease, but diabetes can have several different causes or pathways that are impacting glucose regulation. Tailoring your diabetes prevention (or reversal) efforts to fit your genetic susceptibility may be more effective. Use your genetic raw data to learn more about diabetes and your genetic risk.

FASD1 and FASD2 genes, converting Omega 3&6 in DHA and EPA

FADS1 and FADS2: Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

We all vary in how well we convert the plant-based omega-3 oils into the DHA and EPA that our body needs. Some people are really poor at this conversion and thus should either eat more fish or consider taking a DHA / EPA supplement. Learn more about how your variants might affect your health.

7 genetic variants that increase your risk of blood clots

Some people are unique in their ability to form clots more easily. This article covers six different genes and the seven genetic variants that increase the risk of blood clots. It is a timely topic because blood clots seem to be a severe complication for people with COVID-19.

Glyphosate exposure effects, gut microbiome, glyphosate genetics

Glyphosate Exposure: Genetics and the Impact on Our Health

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-Up. A recent study showed that people with CYP1A1 genetic variants are more likely to have problems with acetylcholinesterase inhibition from glyphosate.

Curcumin decreasing inflammation, ways to increase curcumin absorption

Curcumin Supplements: Decreasing Inflammation

Have you heard that curcumin supplements offer a slew of health benefits? Discover the science behind how curcumin reduces inflammation for better outcomes in chronic diseases.

SCD1: A lynchpin of metabolism

The SCD1 enzyme converts saturated fatty acids to unsaturated fats. Learn how your genes impact this enzyme, and how this relates to weight loss.

Genetic Causes of Male Infertility

Almost 10% of couples worldwide struggle with infertility. Learn more about your genetic susceptibility and dig deeper into the lifestyle factors that could affect your sperm.

Genetic Links to High Uric Acid and Gout

High uric acid levels can cause the pain and inflammation seen in gout. Find out how your genetic variants influence your uric acid levels and gout risk.

Hemochromatosis Symptoms, genetics

Building Up Iron: Hemochromatosis mutations

A couple of common mutations can cause you to build up iron, leading to iron overload or hemochromatosis. It is one genetic disease where knowledge is really powerful – you can completely prevent hemochromatosis through blood donations.