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Parkinson's Disease genetic factors and environmental factors, Parkinson's symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease: Genetics plus Environmental Factors

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not yet fully understood. Researchers think that it is caused by a combo of genetics and environmental factors. Learn more about this disease and the factors that lead to susceptibility.

LDL Cholesterol: Genetics, personalized solutions

Your genes combine with your diet to influence your LDL cholesterol level. Learn more about why LDL cholesterol levels may matter in heart disease and find out how your genes are important here.

What is the best DNA test kit?

This quick reference guide compares the well-known companies that offer DNA testing. I’ll list important decision factors such as cost, ability to download your raw data, ease of use, reports provided for the lowest tier, and privacy. What to consider when choosing a DNA testing company: 1) Privacy is super … Read more

Printable Resources

Sometimes you just need to print out and hold on to information… I get it. To help you out, I’ve created several printable resources to go along with Genetic Lifehacks articles. Supplements tracker Have you ever started taking a supplement and later can’t remember what it is supposed to do? … Read more

Genetic Lifehacks Membership

Genetic Lifehacks deconstructs the research and explains how your genes interact with diet, lifestyle, and environment. The articles are all thoughtfully written, based on solid research studies, and not AI-generated. Membership gives you access to the full article for 400+ in-depth topics on Genetic Lifehacks. You will see your genetic … Read more

Changes to what non-members can view

My goal with Genetic Lifehacks is to help you figure out how your genes impact your wellness, your diet, your mood, and much more. Membership is only $8.99/month (or only $3.75/month if you pay annually!). The price is kept low so that everyone can afford to read the 300+ articles and … Read more

Pathway Diagrams

Biological pathways are complex to describe, and often a visual diagram makes it easier to conceptualize. This is an evolving Genetic Lifehacks project, so check back soon for more pathway diagrams and updates to current planners.  Folate pathway (absorption, cellular cycles):

Personal Report on Genetic Raw Data for health optimization

Consultation Report on Your Genetic Raw Data

Need help with sorting out all of your genetic information?  Looking for a report on your genetic raw data that simply tells you what is important to know? The Top 5 Topics Consultation Report is a 9 to 16-page report on what I think is important in your genetic data. … Read more

Getting started with learning about your health and genetics

Getting Started

What is Genetic Lifehacks all about? 1) Explaining the science: The goal here at Genetic Lifehacks is to explain how your genes interact with your diet and lifestyle. Your genes make up the blueprint of who you are, and you can use your genetic data to find health solutions that … Read more

Genetic Lifehacks Cheat Sheet (plus annual membership coupon)

Ultimate Cheat Sheet The Genetic Lifehacks Cheat Sheet is a 102-page .pdf overview of your genetic variants. It matches your genetic data to all of the articles on Genetic Lifehacks. With over 400 articles on this website, it is a great time saver! The Cheat Sheet is organized into categories … Read more

Top 5 Topics Report + Cheat Sheet (member price)

Top 5 Topics  Consultation Report: Navigating the wealth of information on this site can be overwhelming — especially understanding how genetic variants and topics relate to each other. The ‘Top 5 Topics’ report is a personalized guide to what I believe are likely to be important topics for you, from … Read more

Getting Started With Genetics

Learning about genetics can sometimes seem like learning a foreign language! Here you will find various tips and explanations of concepts that I initially found confusing. What is a gene? Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in all!) with one copy coming from Mom and one copy from Dad. … Read more

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important! This Privacy Policy lays out how Genetic Lifehacks handles privacy. It is written in plain language so that you can understand how your information is used. This Privacy Policy is reviewed and revised periodically. Your use of this site constitutes an acceptance of this Privacy … Read more

Top 5 Topics Consultation Report + Annual Membership + Cheat Sheet

Top 5 Topics  Consultation Report: Navigating the wealth of information on this site can be overwhelming — especially understanding how genetic variants and topics relate to each other. The ‘Top 5 Topics’ report is a personalized guide to what I believe are likely to be important topics for you, from … Read more

genetic raw data

Using your genetic raw data file to optimize your health

So you decided to find out about your ancestry with 23andMe, MyHeritage, AncestryDNA… Knowing your ancestry is just the beginning! These ancestry testing companies also give you access to your raw genetic data. Best of all, it is the same raw data file whether you buy the more expensive versions … Read more

Ask Me Anything: Frequent questions with answers

Here are some of our most frequently answered questions.   Membership Questions What does it mean when my genotype is – -? There are a couple of reasons you might find dashes instead of your genotype. If you see dashed for all of the genotypes, then you likely aren’t connected … Read more