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ANK3: Bipolar Disorder and Brain Development

The genetic variants in the ANK3 gene impact the risk of psychiatric disorders that include bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorders, and heart arrhythmia. Discover how ANK3 impacts neuronal formation and transmission and how this ties into an increased risk of psychiatric disorders.

Saffron Extract: What does the research show?

Recent clinical trials show that saffron extract is as effective as standard medications in some people for ADHD, Alzheimer’s, major depressive disorder, and high cholesterol.

Factor V Leiden Gene: Increased risk of blood clots

The factor V Leiden genetic mutation significantly increases the lifetime risk of blood clots. Check your genetic data to see if you carry this mutation – and then learn to recognize the symptoms of blood clots.

Acne: genetic pathways that influence acne

Acne: Root Causes & Personal Solutions

Acne is thought to be 80% heritable. Learn how your genetic variants increase your risk of acne and find specific solutions that work for those genetic pathways.

Rapamycin, mTOR, and Your Genes

Rapamycin is an antibiotic used as an immunosuppressant, an anti-cancer agent, and to prevent blocked arteries. Rapamycin is now the focus of longevity and healthspan-extending research by inhibiting mTOR.

BDNF serotonin

The Interaction Between BDNF and Serotonin

Genetic variants in the BDNF and serotonin receptor genes combine to increase the risk of depression and anxiety. Learn more about BDNF and how these variants interact — and check your genetic data to see how this applies to you.

Histamine Intolerance

Recipes and Foods for Histamine Intolerance

Interested in low histamine foods and recipes? This article focuses on foods high in histamine so you can easily eliminate them from your diet.

Ordering Lab Tests On Your Own

The best way to know if a genetic variant is affecting you is usually to see where you stand with a blood test.

Decrease your diabetes risk with coffee?

Does coffee increase or decrease your risk of prediabetes? Learn more about coffee consumption and your genetic risk. (Member’s article)

Estrogen, histamine, and mast cell connections

Mast cells can be more easily triggered in the presence of high estrogen or estrogen-mimicking compounds. Histamine can also trigger mast cell degranulation. Together, this can cause a lot of symptoms related to mast cell activation.

myth busting the blood type diet

Debunking the “blood-type diet”

Does the science back up the idea that you can lose weight solely based on your blood type? The article explains the different ABO blood types, breaks down the core ideas of a blood type diet, and offer some food for thought on how to approach these methods. (Member’s article)

Adiponectin levels, food choices, and genetics

Although production occurs in adipose tissue, those with more fat tissue usually have lower adiponectin levels. Lower adiponectin levels (and thus high inflammation) have links to chronic issues associated with obesity.

Selenium and Your Genes

Selenium is a trace element found in certain foods. Learn how selenium is used in the body, why it is important, and how genetic variants can make someone more susceptible to problems with a selenium-deficient diet.