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Low testosterone and your genes

While diet and lifestyle play a role in testosterone levels, in males, there is a strong genetic component as well. Check out your genes to see if they are playing a role in your low T levels — and then check out the Lifehacks.

DHEA and weight

DHEA and Your Weight

DHEA is a hormone that does a lot in the body – including influencing muscle mass and weight. This quick article examines just one aspect of DHEA: how it affects our weight. But the genetic variants included here also impact other impacts of DHEA in the body.

woman with pregnancy test in hand

Genetic links to infertility for women

Your genes may be playing a role in your infertility — and knowing which genetic variants you carry may help you figure out solutions to try.

FTO is more than just an obesity gene

FTO and m6A methylation: From COVID to Cancer to Obesity

The initial research on the FTO gene was all about how it relates to increased BMI and increased fat cell creation. More recently, researchers discovered that FTO is an m6A eraser that removes methyl groups from mRNA. This discovery has opened up huge avenues of research on topics from cancer to immune response to heart disease.

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs): Genetics, lifestyle, and health span

One cause of many of the diseases of aging is the buildup of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Your genes interact with your diet – and cooking methods – in the build-up of AGEs. Learn whether this is something that is important for you to focus on. (Member’s article)

Fibrinogen formation, genetic variants that affect fibrinogen levels, natural pathways to lower fibrinogen, heart disease and fibrinogen

Elevated Fibrinogen: Risk factor for blood clots

Fibrinogen is a protein that is essential for creating blood clots when you get a wound. But higher levels of fibrinogen are a major risk factor for heart disease and DVT. Learn how your genes impact your fibrinogen level.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Genes, and Gut Microbes

All of the general advice, fix your gut, eat more fiber, eat fermented foods, avoid sugar, grains, dairy, etc., may work for some but not for everyone. Take a good look at some of the genes that affect our microbiome.

CYP2A6 Nicotine and Medication Metabolism

CYP2A6: Breaking down nicotine and other medications

How many cigarettes a day a person smokes – and how hard it is for them to quit – is at least partly dependent on the CYP2A6 gene. This enzyme also metabolizes several important cancer drugs.

What is YOUR risk of heart disease?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is heritable. Understanding your genes and a ‘heart healthy’ lifestyle can prevent heart attacks and death.

Genetics and Food Allergies

Do you have a food allergy? Discover how environmental factors and genetic susceptibility can shape individual reactions.

Studies on Berberine benefits, ways to increase berberine absorption, cautions before starting berberine

Guide to Berberine: Research, Benefits, Absorption, and Genetics

Berberine, a natural compound, is found in plants such as Oregon grape, barberry, and goldenseal. It has been a staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Take a look into the research and health benefits of this age-old compound.

Shilajit: Muscles, bones, and testosterone

Shilajit is a supplement that contains fulvic acid, metabolites, and minerals. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, and clinical trials show it has positive benefits for osteoporosis, testosterone, male infertility, and muscle recovery.

Does eating meat put you at a higher risk for colon cancer?

Depending on their processed meat intake, people who carry certain genetic variants are at an increased risk for colon cancer. You can check your genetic data to see if processed meat will likely increase colon cancer risk.

FOXC2 double eyelash genetic variant, increased risk of varicose veins lymphedema

Genetics of Double Eyelashes

Elizabeth Taylor stood out in many ways – in part because of her thick lashes. Turns out a genetic variant is the likely source of her double row of lashes. Learn more about this variant and its other associated risks.

Taurine research on healthspan, longevity

Taurine: Research on Healthspan and Supplements

Taking a deep dive into the science behind taurine – from antiaging supplement to heart and digestive health. Genetics plays a role in who may benefit most from supplemental taurine.

Vitamin D Genes

Your vitamin D levels are impacted by sun exposure and your genes. Learn more about how vitamin D is made in the body and how your genetic variants impact your levels.

Prions: Genetic mutations that increase prion disease risk

Prions are able to infect, causing the normal protein around them to also misfold. These misfolded proteins aggregate to cause neurogenerative disease. Susceptibility to prion diseases depends in part on your genes.