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Back Pain: Genetics, Root Causes, and Solutions

Back Pain: Genetics, Root Causes, and Solutions

For some people, back pain is a daily occurrence that drastically affects their quality of life. For others, it may be an intermittent nagging problem, often without rhyme or reason. Your genes play a role in whether disc degeneration gives you back pain.

Factor V Leiden (F5 Gene) variant, blood clot risk, deep vein thrombosis

Factor V Leiden Gene: Increased Risk of Blood Clots

The factor V Leiden genetic mutation significantly increases the lifetime risk of blood clots. Check your genetic data to see if you carry this mutation – and then learn to recognize the symptoms of blood clots.

Ehlers-Danlos Syncrome, symptoms, genetics of hEDS

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: Genes, Types, and Treatments

Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes causes changes in the way that collagen forms in the joints, ligaments, and skin. Explore the research on EDS and the genetic mutations that cause some of the subtypes of the disorder.

Genetics and Environmental factors of Skin Aging

Skin Aging: Using Genomics to Solve Wrinkles and Age Spots

Some people age naturally with beautiful-looking skin. Others slather on creams and odd gunk in a futile battle to chase away wrinkles and age spots. What is the difference? Genetics and environmental factors, of course.

Osteoporosis Genetics and Causes

Osteoporosis: Genetic Susceptibility and Prevention Strategies

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease facing many of us as we age. Genetics plays a big role in susceptibility to osteoporosis. The good news here is that knowing where your genetic susceptibility lies can lead you to targeted, personalized solutions for osteoporosis. (Member’s article)