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Phthalate detoxification pathway, phthalate genetic interaction, phthalate overview

Phthalates: Genes, Detoxification, and Diet

Phthalates are a type of chemical used as plasticizers to make plastics more pliable. There has been a lot of research on the endocrine-disrupting effects of phthalates. Your genetic variants may impact whether phthalates are a problem for you.

Genetic Causes of Male Infertility

Genetic Causes of Male Infertility

Almost 10% of couples worldwide struggle with infertility. Learn more about your genetic susceptibility and dig deeper into the lifestyle factors that could affect your sperm.

Uterine Fibroids: Root Causes and Genetic Connections

Fibroids: Genes, Root Causes, and Solutions

Uterine fibroids are a problem for a lot of women, especially after age 30. Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the muscle cells of the uterus. This article will dig into the causes of fibroids, explain how your genetic variants can add to the susceptibility, and offer solutions that are backed by research. (Member’s article)