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Vitamin B6 deficiency genes, foods high in vitamin B6

Vitamin B6: Genetics, Absorption, and Deficiency

Vitamin B6 is an important co-factor in hundreds of different enzymatic reactions. Low levels of B6 are linked to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. B6 is also essential for reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

Taurine research on healthspan, longevity

Taurine: Research on Healthspan and Supplements

Taking a deep dive into the science behind taurine – from antiaging supplement to heart and digestive health. Genetics plays a role in who may benefit most from supplemental taurine.

Dopamine receptors, natural Agonists and antagonist for dopamine

Dopamine Receptor SNPs: Addiction, Mood, ADHD, and Schizophrenia

Dopamine is a powerful player in our cognitive function – impacting mood, movement, and motivation. Genetic variants in the dopamine receptors influence addiction, ADHD, neurological diseases, depression, psychosis, and aggression.

Anxiety Genes, ANDORA2A, BDNF, Lion's mane for anxiety

Anxiety: Genetics, heredity, and personalized solutions

When it comes to anxiety, genetic variants combine with environmental factors (nutrition, sleep, relationships, etc) when it comes to anxiety. Understanding your anxiety genes can help you figure out which pathways to target.

GABA neurotransmitter, recycling and synthesis, genetic variants affecting GABA, ways to naturally increase GABA

GABA: Genetics, Anxiety, and Immune Response

GABA (gamma-Aminobuyteric acid) is a neurotransmitter that acts to block or inhibit a neuron from firing. It is an essential way that the brain regulates impulses, and low GABA levels are linked with several conditions, including anxiety and PTSD.

Taste Receptors Genetics, how taste receptors work

Taste Receptors: Bitter, Sweet, and Much More

Ever wonder why some people don’t like Brussel sprouts or strong, dark coffee? Some people love a good, dark roast, cup of coffee – and Brussel sprouts and cabbage taste just great. Genetic variants in the taste receptor genes mean that we taste things differently.

CBD Oil: Will it work for you?

Why do some people get such great benefits from CBD while others notice nothing? Your genes play a role in how your body responds to CBD.

ANK3: Bipolar Disorder and Brain Development

ANK3: Bipolar Disorder and Brain Development

The genetic variants in the ANK3 gene impact the risk of psychiatric disorders that include bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorders, and heart arrhythmia. Discover how ANK3 impacts neuronal formation and transmission and how this ties into an increased risk of psychiatric disorders.

PMS, Genetics, and Solutions

A lot of women know the moodiness and brain fog that comes with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Studies estimate that PMS is up to 95% heritable – which means that it has a huge genetic component. Learn about the genes and find out which solutions may actually work for you.