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Dopamine receptors, natural Agonists and antagonist for dopamine

Dopamine Receptor SNPs: Addiction, Mood, ADHD, and Schizophrenia

Dopamine is a powerful player in our cognitive function – impacting mood, movement, and motivation. Genetic variants in the dopamine receptors influence addiction, ADHD, neurological diseases, depression, psychosis, and aggression.

Supplements to Boost BDNF

Best Supplements to Boost BDNF

Is it smart to boost your BDNF levels? Discover more by digging into the research studies that show when, how, and why it is important to focus on BDNF.

ANK3: Bipolar Disorder and Brain Development

ANK3: Bipolar Disorder and Brain Development

The genetic variants in the ANK3 gene impact the risk of psychiatric disorders that include bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorders, and heart arrhythmia. Discover how ANK3 impacts neuronal formation and transmission and how this ties into an increased risk of psychiatric disorders.

Lithium Orotate: Mood, Alzheimer’s, and Aging

Studies show that lithium in ground water is linked to lower levels of Alzheimers, depression, and aggression. Find out how lithium may be important in Alzheimer’s prevention.

BDNF: Cognition, Stress Resilience, Introversion, and Mood

BDNF: Cognition, Stress Resilience, Introversion, and Mood

Low levels of BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) are linked to introversion, stress resilience, cognition, and depression levels. Discover ways to increase your BDNF levels and mitigate the problems associated with the BDNF gene variants. (Member’s article)

Genes Involved in Autophagy

Genes Involved in Autophagy

Just like you need to take out the trash and recycle your plastics and cans, your body also needs to clean up cellular waste and recycle proteins. This process is called autophagy, and it is incredibly important in preventing the diseases of aging. (Member’s article)