Multiple Sclerosis: Genetic Factors and Susceptibility to MS
MS susceptibility is linked to both genetic causes and environmental factors. Learn how those two combine – and possible solutions.
MS susceptibility is linked to both genetic causes and environmental factors. Learn how those two combine – and possible solutions.
Phenylketonuria, also called PKU, is a genetic metabolic disorder that can cause neurological issues if left untreated.
GABA (gamma-Aminobuyteric acid) is a neurotransmitter that acts to block or inhibit a neuron from firing. It is an essential way that the brain regulates impulses, and low GABA levels are linked with several conditions, including anxiety and PTSD.
The genetic variants in the ANK3 gene impact the risk of psychiatric disorders that include bipolar disorder and autism spectrum disorders, and heart arrhythmia. Discover how ANK3 impacts neuronal formation and transmission and how this ties into an increased risk of psychiatric disorders.
PPARδ is a key player in how and when your muscles burn fat for fuel. Genetic variants in the PPARD gene impact how well your muscles utilize fatty acids. These variants also impact how much of a fat-burning benefit you get from exercise.
An essential nutrient, your need for choline from foods is greatly influenced by your genes. Find out whether you should be adding more choline into your diet.
Is buying organic worth the extra cost? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part Two in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification.
Low levels of BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) are linked to introversion, stress resilience, cognition, and depression levels. Discover ways to increase your BDNF levels and mitigate the problems associated with the BDNF gene variants. (Member’s article)