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APOE type, APOE4 + Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's prevention

Alzheimer’s Gene: Find your APOE type from your genetic raw data

The APOE gene variants are linked with the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Find out whether you carry the APOE risk type for Alzheimer’s – and learn what research shows about supplements and lifestyle changes to prevent this disease.

CYP2C8: Phase 1 Detoxification and Medication Interaction

CYP2C8: Prescription Medications and Arachidonic Acid

The CYP2C8 gene is important in the metabolism of several chemotherapy drugs as well as playing a role in the metabolism of NSAIDs. Genetic variants that alter how this enzyme works can impact your reaction to a medication.

Mast cell activation syndrome genetics and solutions

Mast Cells: MCAS, Genetics, and Solutions

Mast cells are essential to your innate immune system, defending against pathogens and allergens. For some people, mast cells can be triggered too easily, giving allergy-like responses to lots of different substances.

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, SERPINA gene variants that lead to A1AT deficiency

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: Genetic Raw Data, Carrier Effects, Interactions with TNF

A genetic mutation in the SERPINA1 gene causes alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. This increases a person’s susceptibility to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and, in some cases, cirrhosis of the liver. Knowing that you carry this mutation can be a great incentive to avoid smoking and to be kind to your liver.

CYP2E1: CYP450 Enzyme, Alcohol Metabolism CYP2E1 genetic variants

CYP2E1: Breaking down alcohol and more

The CYP2E1 enzyme is part of the phase I detoxification system. Discover how variants might affect your alcohol metabolism and more.

Uterine Fibroids: Root Causes and Genetic Connections

Fibroids: Genes, Root Causes, and Solutions

Uterine fibroids are a problem for a lot of women, especially after age 30. Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the muscle cells of the uterus. This article will dig into the causes of fibroids, explain how your genetic variants can add to the susceptibility, and offer solutions that are backed by research. (Member’s article)