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Parkinson's Disease genetic factors and environmental factors, Parkinson's symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease: Genetics plus Environmental Factors

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not yet fully understood. Researchers think that it is caused by a combo of genetics and environmental factors. Learn more about this disease and the factors that lead to susceptibility.

Glyphosate exposure effects, gut microbiome, glyphosate genetics

Glyphosate Exposure: Genetics and the Impact on Our Health

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Round-Up. A recent study showed that people with CYP1A1 genetic variants are more likely to have problems with acetylcholinesterase inhibition from glyphosate.

Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) gene variants

BChE gene: Nightshade sensitivity, Anesthesia risk

Genetic variants of the BChE gene decrease its enzyme’s activity. This can lead to various and seemingly unconnected consequences…such as an increased risk for Parkinson’s or food sensitivity to potatoes.

Essential Tremor: Causes and Possible Solutions

Essential Tremor: Causes and Possible Solutions

Essential tremor (ET) is a neurological disease causing involuntary shaking in places of the body while performing tasks such as writing or eating. Learn more about this disease and discover the genetic causes of ET.

UGT Genetic Variants, Detoxification, and Hormone Balance. Ways to upregulate UGT

Glucuronidation: UGT Genetic Variants, Detoxification, and Hormone Balance

The UGT family of enzymes is responsible for an important part of phase II detoxification. This article explains what the UGT enzymes do in the body, how your genes impact this part of detoxification, and lifestyle factors that can increase or decrease this detox process.

Infertility and genetics for women, mthfr and fertility, Factor V leiden and fertility, BPA and endocrine disruptors and fertility

Infertility and Genetics (for Women)

Your genes may be playing a role in your infertility — and knowing which genetic variants you carry may help you figure out solutions to try.

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Neonicotinoids

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Neonicotinoids

Is buying organic worth the extra cost? Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part One in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification. (Member’s article)