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Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, SERPINA gene variants that lead to A1AT deficiency

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: Genetic Raw Data, Carrier Effects, Interactions with TNF

A genetic mutation in the SERPINA1 gene causes alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. This increases a person’s susceptibility to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and, in some cases, cirrhosis of the liver. Knowing that you carry this mutation can be a great incentive to avoid smoking and to be kind to your liver.

Genetic susceptibility cavities

Are Your Cavities Caused by Genetics?

It turns out that genetics plays a larger role here than you would think. It is estimated by researchers that the ‘heritability’ or genetic component of dental caries is about 50%. (Member’s article)

Should you eat organic? Detoxifying Organophosphates

Is buying organic worth the extra cost? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally grown foods affect people differently. Some people carry genetic variants that decrease their ability to detoxify specific pesticides, others may be more resilient. This is Part Two in a multipart series on pesticide detoxification. 

Genetics of Grass and Pollen Allergies

Are you allergic to grass pollen? It may be genetic.

Allergies are usually due to a mix of genetic susceptibility and being exposed to certain triggering molecules. Several different gene variants have ties to an increased risk of grass pollen allergies.