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Genetic and Environmental facts for male pattern baldness and hair loss

Will you go bald? Genetics and hair loss

What causes male pattern baldness? A combination of genetics, nutrition, and environmental toxins come together to form the risk factors for baldness. But genetics really seems to rule the roost here.

Psychopathy Genetics, epigenetics, environmental factors involved in psychopathy

Psychopaths: Born not made?

Can you be born a psychopath? Are there genes linked to psychopathy? Discover how your genes don’t predestine you to become a psychopath.

G6PD Deficiency: How to Check Your Genes

How to Check Your Genetic Data for G6PD Deficiency

People who carry the genetic mutations that cause G6PD deficiency are at an increased risk for hemolytic anemia when taking quinine-based medications. This article is intended to be a ‘heads up’ for anyone who is considering using quinine or chloroquine without a doctor’s advice for COVID-19.