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Leaky Gut Genes: Emulsifiers in Processed Foods

Emulsifiers, found in many processed and packaged foods, can trigger an inflammatory response in the intestines based on whether you carry specific genetic variants.

Genetics and Type 2 Diabetes, MTNR1B gene, IRS1 Gene, TCF7L2 Gene, PPARG Gene

Genetics and Type 2 Diabetes

Not all type 2 diabetes risk is from what you eat… Genetics plays a big role in diabetes. Learn more about your genetic susceptibility.

Ehlers-Danlos Syncrome, symptoms, genetics of hEDS

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: Genes, Types, and Treatments

Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes causes changes in the way that collagen forms in the joints, ligaments, and skin. Explore the research on EDS and the genetic mutations that cause some of the subtypes of the disorder.

Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

Mercury Detoxification: Genomics and Solutions

What are the physiological effects of mercury and how does the body eliminates it? Discover how genetic variants play a role in how quickly you excrete mercury.

Taste Receptors Genetics, how taste receptors work

Taste Receptors: Bitter, Sweet, and Much More

Ever wonder why some people don’t like Brussel sprouts or strong, dark coffee? Some people love a good, dark roast, cup of coffee – and Brussel sprouts and cabbage taste just great. Genetic variants in the taste receptor genes mean that we taste things differently.

Alopecia Areata: Genetic Reasons for Rapid Hair Loss

Alopecia Areata: Reasons for Rapid Hair Loss

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune-like disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicle. Learn about the triggers of alopecia areata, why the hair falls out, genetic variants that increase susceptibility, and possible treatment options.

Genes that Impact Ferritin Levels

Genes that Impact Ferritin Levels

Ferritin is the storage protein for iron in the body. Storing too little or too much iron can be an indicator of an underlying problem. Discover the genetic variants that impact ferritin and how to increase ferritin with supplements or foods.

Sudden Hearing Loss: Viruses, Inflammation, and Genes

Sudden Hearing Loss: Viruses, Vaccines, and Genes

Genetic variants can significantly increase your risk of sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Learn more about the current research on sudden sensorineural hearing loss, including links to viral and vaccine causes.

Nutrigenomics and the SNPs related to zinc, inflammation, and diabetes

Zinc genes: The healing power of zinc

Learn why zinc is important for your immune system and so much more. Find out how your genes impact your need for zinc and discover ways of boosting your zinc status. 

Supplements to Boost BDNF

Best Supplements to Boost BDNF

Is it smart to boost your BDNF levels? Discover more by digging into the research studies that show when, how, and why it is important to focus on BDNF.