Your genes influence how well your cells absorb, transport, and utilize nutrients. We are all genetically different, and your genes give you unique dietary needs and strengths. Genetic data can give you a starting point to know where you may need more – or less – of a specific nutrient. It can also point to problems with specific foods, like dairy, or with a component of foods, like histamine or tyramine.
Here you will find the tools you need to dial in your nutrition. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach! No protocols here… Instead, you’ll learn which nutrients are likely important for you, and then pick from possible solutions in the Lifehacks section.
Cow’s milk allergy can be due to your immune system responding to casein or β-lactoglobulin. Genetic variants in immune-system genes increase susceptibility – along with environmental factors.
Genetic variations cause people to have higher or lower levels of vitamin K, which can affect blood clotting. Learn more about the genes that affect vitamin K and how it relates to your genetic raw data.
Vitamins & Micronutrients
Vitamins and micronutrients interact with genetic variants related to their absorption, transport into cells, conversion into their active form, and
Genetic variations cause people to have higher or lower levels of vitamin K, which can affect blood clotting. Learn more about the genes that affect vitamin K and how it relates to your genetic raw data.
Vitamin B6 is an important co-factor in hundreds of different enzymatic reactions. Low levels of B6 are linked to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. B6 is also essential for reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
The MTHFR gene is important for how your body utilizes folate (vitamin B9) for creating neurotransmitters, detoxifying toxicants, and maintaining a healthy heart. Check your 23andMe or AncestryDNA data for the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants.
There are several genes that can influence your absorption, transport, and need for vitamin B12. Some people need higher amounts of B12, and some people thrive on different forms of B12. Take a look at your genetic data to see if you should up your intake of B12.
Like most nutrients, our genes affect how vitamin C is absorbed, transported, and used by the body. It can influence your risk for certain diseases and make a difference in the minimum amount of vitamin C you need to consume each day.
Learn why zinc is important for your immune system and so much more. Find out how your genes impact your need for zinc and discover ways of boosting your zinc status.
Selenium is a trace element found in certain foods. Learn how selenium is used in the body, why it is important, and how genetic variants can make someone more susceptible to problems with a selenium-deficient diet.
Your vitamin D levels are impacted by sun exposure and your genes. Learn more about how vitamin D is made in the body and how your genetic variants impact your levels.
An essential nutrient, your need for choline from foods is greatly influenced by your genes. Find out whether you should be adding more choline into your diet.
Vitamin E, an antioxidant, is often promoted to prevent cardiovascular disease and LDL cholesterol oxidation. New research shows a genetic component to whether a person benefits from supplementation. Find out more by checking your genetic data.
Food Intolerances & Allergies
Food intolerances can be due to genetic variants that decrease specific enzymes needed to break down a food , such as lactase. Allergies are generally an interaction between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors.
Cow’s milk allergy can be due to your immune system responding to casein or β-lactoglobulin. Genetic variants in immune-system genes increase susceptibility – along with environmental factors.
Genetics plays a big role in how well your body breaks down histamine. You can use your genetic data to figure out if your genes are part of the reason why you have histamine intolerance.
Your genes control whether you are likely to produce lactase as an adult. Check your 23andMe or other genetic data to see if you are likely to enjoy a big glass of milk.
Tyramine intolerance happens when you can’t break it down. Too much tyramine can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Learn more and check your genetic raw data for results.
Mushrooms contain a healthy antioxidant called ergothioneine. But for people with a SLC22A4 genetic variant, this antioxidant can be too much of a good thing, leading to intestinal problems. Check your genetic data to see if you carry this mushroom intolerance variant.
Dietary Sensitivities
Dietary sensitivities include foods that you may want to be careful with due to a genetic connection to an increased risk, such as for oxalate metabolism and kidney stones.
Green smoothies have been a health fad for quite a while now, but these health drinks can be a double-edged sword for some people due to their high oxalate content. Find out if you are genetically prone to kidney stones and what to do about it.
Genetic variants of the BChE gene decrease its enzyme’s activity. This can lead to various and seemingly unconnected consequences…such as an increased risk for Parkinson’s or food sensitivity to potatoes.
We all vary in how well we convert the plant-based omega-3 oils into the DHA and EPA that our body needs. Some people are really poor at this conversion and thus should either eat more fish or consider taking a DHA / EPA supplement. Learn more about how your variants might affect your health.
The TRPV1 receptor is activated by capsaicin in spicy foods. But there is a lot more to this story… find out how this receptor impacts diabetes, metabolic function, and more.
If you have tried fasting or perhaps a ketogenic diet and felt horrible, there could be a genetic reason. You might carry a genetic mutation that causes SCADD (short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency).
Caffeine remains the most popular ‘drug’ of choice for a large percentage of the population. Genetics determines how quickly your body processes and eliminates caffeine and whether it is likely to make you jittery or anxious.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Genetic variants can influence how you break down and utilize carbohydrates.
Genetic variations play a role in how people react to carbohydrates in the diet. Learn about a few genes that affect insulin or glucose levels based on carbohydrate consumption. Use your genetic raw data and discover how your body handles carbohydrates.
Our ancient ancestors lived much differently than we do today. They were hunter-gatherers, living off of fish, meat, and plant foods that they gathered. A huge shift took place when those hunter-gatherers began farming, growing grains, and storing them so that there would be food available all year. Learn if you carry the hunter-gatherer or farmer gene variant. (Member’s article)
Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme called amylase. Take a look into how the amylase enzyme works, genetic variants that impact your production of amylase, and solutions if you are low in amylase.
Consuming caffeine along with carbohydrates changes glucose response for people with certain genetic variants and yet it doesn’t change blood glucose levels for those without the variants. Find out more about your response. (Member’s article)
Personalized Nutrition
These articles bring together practical ways to implement personalization for your diet.
Drinking alcohol is often a problem for people with histamine intolerance. Learn about the pathways that are involved and how to avoid alcohol-induced reactions.
Interested in vitamin A foods? This article focuses on foods high in the retinol form of vitamin A that your body doesn’t need to convert plus some great links to vitamin A-rich recipes.
There has been a decades-long debate about which type of fat is best: saturated fat vs polyunsaturated fat. It may depend on your genes as to which answer is right for you. Learn more about this debate and find out how your genes play a part.
Wondering how your genes influence your reaction to coffee? Find out if you will benefit from drinking coffee and how this interacts with your genes. (Member’s article)